Employment Promotion Program – ECOVID
This City Council has benefited from a subsidy for the hiring of unemployed people at least 30 years of age unemployed as a result of the situation arising from COVID 19 in collaboration with Local Corporations of the Valencian Community (ECOVID / 2020/493/03). On...
EMPUJU employment promotion programs
Murla City Council has benefited from an EMPUJU Program grant of € 15,207.24 for the hiring, for 12 months, of a young person in a situation of unemployment, within the framework of Avalem Joves Plus. This recruitment is co-financed through the "Youth...
Programas de fomento del empleo – EMCORP Y EMERGE
Aquest Ajuntament ha resultat beneficiat d'unes subvencions destinades a la contractació de persones desocupades per a la realització d'accions previstes en plans o procediments...